Our MissionWayne-Holmes Right to Life (WHRTL) is a group of caring citizens from Wayne and Holmes counties who oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and embryonic stem cell research because we believe that these things are an assault on humanity and do harm not only to individuals, but also to all of us as a society. We believe there are better ways to handle challenges such as unintended pregnancy, difficulties at the end of life, or the search for cures to diseases.
WHRTL is peaceful, non-profit, non-partisan, and is not affiliated with any church or denomination. Choosing to respect life as something good and sacred transcends political parties or beliefs, religious convictions, economic status, age, nationality, and many other things that might make us different from one another. We work to educate those in our community about the detrimental effects of disregarding respect for human life, and advocate for those such as the unborn who cannot speak for themselves. WHRTL is an affiliate of Ohio Right to Life (www.ohiolife.org) and National Right to Life Committee (www.nrlc.org). Please consider joining us in our critical mission as we make a difference right here in Wayne and Holmes counties! To be part of our mailing list, please drop us a note at [email protected]. We send out occasional information and monthly event news. Thanks for your interest in protecting life! |
Our VisionWe strive to create a culture where every child is welcomed into the world and protected by law; where every pregnant mother receives the help she needs to face an unplanned pregnancy; and where every terminally-ill person has access to decent pain relief and is protected from being killed by euthanasia and assisted suicide.
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