18th Annual Precious Baby Contest Ahead!
The end of summer brings with it the Wayne County Fair, another Wayne-Holmes Right to Life fair booth, and another Precious Baby Contest!
Submit a photo of your child age 0-2 as of Sept. 1 (electronic submission works best but you can also send by regular mail to us at PO Box 1231, Wooster, OH 44691). We also need the baby's name, birth date, parents' names, and address. Parents or grandparents who live or work in Wayne County are eligible. Hint: Previous winners have lots of friends and family who attend the fair and vote!
Voting takes place during the fair with donations to the baby of your choice.
Winner will receive a photo session valued at $250 with the fantastic Ashley Escola!
(Check out her work at https://ashleyescolaphotography.zenfolio.com/)
Electronic submissions should go to [email protected];
questions or concerns can be sent there as well or text /call Carrie at 330-274-9025.
Thank you to Pastor Nate Fugate who gave a wonderful, thoughtful presentation on
how we can engage in more productive and meaningful dialogue about the abortion issue.
If you missed it, please reach out to Meghan and she will be happy to recap the information for you.
We also appreciate Faith Harvest Fellowship for the use of their beautiful facility!
Meghan at 330.931.2391 or email [email protected]
Next monthly meeting:
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024, 10:00 am
Milltown Buehler's Community Room
Meeting vary a bit--feel free to text/call for the latest details! (330.931.2391)
We would love to have you join us!
What We BelieveWayne Holmes Right to Life believes that every unborn baby has a unique contribution to offer to society and that each human being, no matter how small or how old, is precious and has a dignity that deserves to be respected and protected.
Click here to read our mission statement. |
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